Saturday, 28 May 2011

The future of CILIP

On 16th May I attended an engaging talk on 'Our professional future' by Annie Mauger, the new CEO of CILIP.  Annie's explanation of changes and challenges affecting different library sectors was interesting and easy to follow. While proposed public library cuts and closures have been all over the news, I hadn't realised that the Schools Library Services were facing similar closures.

The direction that CILIP is heading in seems like a positive step to me. The focus will be on three areas: advocacy, communities and continuing professional development. I hadn't been involved in the 'Defining our professional future' conversation as I wasn't a CILIP member at the time. I was interested to learn that co-operation with the Women's Institute is planned, and CILIP members are talking at WI meetings to get the WI on board to campaign for libraries. Annie explained that CILIP is relatively new to campaigning, while the WI are experienced at this.

CILIP will have a new structure from July and there are likely to be changes to branch and special interest groups. Some special interest groups may merge. Hopefully these changes will allow CILIP to provide better value for money to its members.

I was particularly struck by one of the comments Annie made. She had asked a colleague whether they were nervous attending their first board meeting at a new job, and they had replied 'no' because they knew that they would already know some of the people there. Annie used this to highlight the power of networking. I was inspired to attend the East of England CDG AGM on 18th May. It was useful to meet people from different libraries and sectors working in the region and to find out more about the East of England CDG. Hopefully I'll be seeing more of them in the future!

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