Monday, 1 August 2011


Well this is fun! Screen-o-matic is really easy to use and a great way of demonstrating things that library users frequently ask. I created a basic screencast of logging in to an eresource via Raven authentication as this is something that I have often had to demonstrate. Then for something library catalogue-related I tried another very short basic screencast showing how to print selected results from a search in LibrarySearch.

It's not very polished at all and if I'd had more time I would have added an intro with some text at the beginning, and perhaps some commentary but it's a start! I'll look out for opportunities to create some screencasts in my work, as there is great potential to help demonstrate common online information tasks to library users.

Here are my tips for first time users:
1. Make sure you enlarge the capture screen enough - my first attempt cut off part of the left hand navigation on some pages and the search button at the bottom of another page.
2. Decide before you start what you are going to do, e.g. if you're demonstrating a search, decide which term you are going to use, and pick one that you know will bring up the results you want.

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